Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: The Spooky School
Laugh-out-loud fun in two-colour stories, perfect for encouraging independent reading!
Three short stories in each book keep just confident readers engaged whilst lively two-colour illustrations bring these hilarious early readers to life and perfectly bridge the gap between picture books and chapter books.
From the bestselling, award-winning author and illustrator duo Tracey Corderoy and Steven Lenton.
Related activity sheets available on the Nosy Crow website.
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam don't just make amazing cakes. These two brave bakers solve wacky mysteries too!
Halloween at St Spectre's school brings out the cheekiest of ghosts! And who is to blame when the weather goes CRAZY? A power-grabbing red panda, maybe? Certainly not the raccoon gang fixing the museum's toilets - they've got dastardly plans of their OWN!
In Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam The Spooky School, the much-loved picture book pair of pooches appear for the first time in a two-colour fiction format, ideal for children growing in confidence as readers and beginning to read alone.
Age Range: 5+ years
128 pages
198 x 129mm
Paperback Book
Nosy Crow